EnterpriseDT edtFTPj Pro v1.5.6 英文正式版( FTP 用戶端軟體)
edtFTPj/PRO(又叫 edtFTPj/SSL) 是一款利用 Java 語言編寫的 FTP 用戶端程式。使用
這個程式可以幫助軟體開發人員花費最少的時間和精力而且只作少量的修改, 就可以將豐
富的文件傳輸功能加入到他們的軟體中。 軟體支援安全性 FTP 操作;比如:FTPS(基於
SSL 的 FTP 傳輸)、SFTP(通過 SSH 的 FTP 傳輸)、和防火牆協定以及運用在文件夾中
的遞歸操作(包括 mget,mput)。
edtFTPj/PRO is a Java FTP library supporting:
* standard FTP * secure FTP via FTPS (FTP over SSL)
and SFTP (FTP over SSH) * powerful FTP scripting *
directory transfers * FTPInputStream and
FTPOutputstream * SSHFTPInputStream and
SSHFTPOutputstream * FXP for server-to-server transfers
via FTP
edtFTPj/PRO allows developers to add rich file transfer
capabilities to their applications with minimal effort.
* Royalty free runtime licensing. * Full support for
all standard and many optional FTP operations, passive and
active modes, and support for a very wide range of FTP
servers. * FTPInputStream and FTPOutputStream (for
FTP/FTPS) for treating the remote server as a data stream.
* SSHFTPInputStream and SSHFTPOutputStream (for SFTP) for
treating the remote server as a data stream. *
Comprehensive FTP scripting engine, allowing most
functionality to be scripted from a file. * Secure FTP
file transfers using FTPS (explicit and implicit modes).
* Secure FTP file transfers using SFTP. * The same
simple, intuitive API as the freely available edtFTPj,
meaning upgrades to secure transfers are very
straightforward * Support for FXP server-to-server
transfers for FTP * Support for mget,mput and mdelete
operations, including wildcards * Directory transfers
and deletes, including wildcarding * Secure data and
control channels. * Server validation (incl. support
for custom validators). * Supports certificates in many
formats. * Client validation. * Supports zlib
compression. * AES ciphersuite supported. *
Advanced certificate management. * Supports Java
1.5.x * Supports standard OpenSSL certificates
(including certificates issued by CAs). * SOCKS
firewall support. * Progress monitor, permitting
notification of the progress of file transfers. *
Transfer cancellation. * Resuming of binary transfers
that have partially completed. * Integration with
log4j. * Detailed, easy-to-read Developer's Guide.
* Source code is optionally available for purchase to
protect your investment. * EDT Forums are available for
public discussion and support.
EnterpriseDT edtFTPj Pro v1.5.4 英文正式版(利用 Java 語言編寫的 FTP 用戶端軟體)
EnterpriseDT edtFTPj PRO v4.0.0 英文正式版(FTP用戶端軟體)
EnterpriseDT edtFTPj PRO v3.9.1 英文正式版(FTP用戶端軟體)
EnterpriseDT edtFTPnet Pro v5.0.0 英文正式版(利用 Java 語言編寫的 FTP 用戶端軟體)
EnterpriseDT edtFTPnet PRO v7.4.0 英文正式版(利用Java語言編寫的FTP用戶端軟體)
EnterpriseDT edtFTPnet Compact v2.2.0 英文正式版(FTP用戶端程式軟體)
EnterpriseDT CompleteFTP v7.4.0 Enterprise Edition 英文正式版(FTP用戶端軟體)